Friday, February 14, 2014

Photo of the Day #83: Crooked Water

I was in Biarritz at the end of October 2011, showing the South of France to my parents and my sister. It was the last really warm days (25 C or over -what we Finns call helle, or hot weather) of the year and the seaside resort town was showing signs of slowing down, at least a bit.

One of the rocks jutting out of the Bay of Biscay was definitely odd. It looked like a sinking ship with layers of strata at a tilt to the water. Additionally the rock was jam packed with seagulls, like the passengers of titanic, but unbothered by the pending doom.

So I decided instead to tilt my camera to emphasize the angle. A friend of mine said that two thing bothering him about the movie Titanic were inaccurate Morse code and crooked water. I can understand that he could spot the bad Morse, as he had some training on it, but I never understood how the water was crooked. Surely it was just the camera...

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